Black Herpes Dating Sites

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Black Herpes Dating Sites 2019

  • The instructions say to go to ACCOUNT to sign out..but...

    There is no 'Account' button or place to click to sign out on the front page - Home Page.

  • Having sex with your partner

    Can you contract herpes if your partner is not having thank you a visual outbreak

  • HIV testing window

    Incident happened in July 2020. STD panel test done in Aug 2020 +HSV, -HIV tested again Oct 2020 same results. I am a bit paranoid, can I finally say look I don't have HIV stopped.

  • Why did my dean of an open area (vaginal) come back negative but my hsv2 igg cam back 1.36? What does this mean? Could hsv igg blood test be wrong? I am also hsv1 positive

  • Additional symptoms of Herpes or HIV?

    Hi. I had an incident back in July 2020. I got test in Aug and Oct of 2020. + HSV; -HIV devastated of course. Fast forward to today May 2021, Ive has a discomfort in my right ear and neck. No swollen glands. I am pregnant. However, I dont think this is related to pregnancy. Could it be associated with herpes or something else. I am truly worried at this point. l

  • Does herpes on the face look like acne ?

    Two swabs came back negative and a dermatologist said it is rosacea but it started shortly after giving oral sex to a woman that had very sharp little hairs that were piercing my skin. It seems that I always get blemishes that look like pimples and more so since wearing a mask all the time during the pandemic. Does herpes on the face look like acne ?

  • If I have HSV-2 G, is it possible to contract HSV-2 O from kissing someone with HSV-2 O?

    asking for a friend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I was told that my blood test for HSV2 came back positive by nurse at the facility I tested at. But when I looked up my test results online it showed equivocal on the IgG test. Does this mean I was exposed recently and that the next time I test I will show fully positive? I’ve never had an outbreak or any STI tests done before,

  • Can two people with genital herpes have a chemical imbalance after having sex

    Girlfriend and I had sex for first time (both have genital herpes) . Couple of weeks later it felt like we just got a std in genital area. Weeks pass and both of us go get tested for std, results comes back negative besides herpes that we already had. Its been over 3 months and we still have a burning feeling and she has a small discharge so we get tested again with negative results besides what we already had.

  • I had some kind of reaction in the genitals.I took antiviral. I took hsv 1 and 2 test and full spectrum and doctor says Im clean. Whats your opinion?

  • If one partner has HIV and is undetectable and the other has chronic Hep B is it impossible to have children together?

    A person I met has HIV and is undectable and I have chronic hepatitis b. We both want children but have not been able to find any information on safe ways to do this. We have basically been told that I am a risk to her and we should end the relationship as it is not possible to start a family. Any help or advice would be of help.

  • Confused about HPV

    I have type 2 herpes and got HPV years ago. But is it true is clears out of the system after 2 years? Even if I do have it and never had a outbreak for it.

  • She says it Herpes, i seem fine What am i meant to do now?? We split up and im left in limbo!

    I got a friction like sore on the base of my dick 2 weeks after getting with my partner 6 years ago and then nothing since She however would get like shaving looking rash where her pubic hair is, not around her vagina! She says it Herpes, i seem fine What am i meant to do now?? We split up and im left in limbo!

  • Is it normal to suffer more from the prodome period and almost nothing at the outbreak? I feel it hypersensitive as it travels from its resting place all the way to the outbreak spot but nothing at the lesion area.

  • When is a good time to tell someone that you have genital herpes? How do you decide this? Should it definitely be before you kiss?


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