Okcupid Lesbian

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Why online dating is good. It’s interesting how, with certain patterns, you can make a great online dating profile.I spoke with Whitney Perry, the founder of the Single Online Dating Guide, who shared a great analogy.If you are wearing a dress that has zippers up the side, you can show what the dress looks like in a different way to different people by zipping it up a bit. Many lesbians and bisexuals are interested in meeting via this site. OkCupid, one of the top lesbians’ sites, provides a range of identity and preferences that acknowledges the dynamism in gender roles of individuals. Women seeking women are welcome to register on this top dating website. While getting ready for my first OKCupid date, aka, the first date I’ve ever gone on with someone who I wasn’t a friend with first, that question came out of my mouth. And I was dead serious. People talk about how they know women are lesbians from their outfits, including footwear. With more than 22 gender and 13 sexual orientation identifier options, OkCupid is among the most inclusive free dating apps out there. Whether you’re bigender, transgender, questioning, or sapiosexual, you can find someone special on OkCupid. A unique aspect of OkCupid is its matching algorithm. During the registration process, not only will.

  1. Okcupid Lesbian Dating
  2. Okcupid Lesbian Quiz

OkCupid was the first dating app to offer expanded gender and orientation options back in 2014. With 22 genders and 12 orientations to select from, we’re invested in making sure your profile reflects you.

Not sure what all of these mean? Read below, or to see descriptions from people in their own words, go to OkCupid.com/identity

Genders (22)


Agender is an identity under the nonbinary and transgender umbrellas. Agender individuals find that they have no gender identity, although some define this more as having a gender identity that is neutral.
— Nonbinary.org


Having the characteristics or nature of both male and female; neither specifically feminine nor masculine.
— Merriam-Webster


A gender identity which can be literally translated as 'two genders' or 'double gender'. Bigender people experience exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two. These two gender identities could be male and female, but could also include non-binary identities.
— Gender Wiki

Cis Man and Cis Woman

Cisgender and cissexual (often abbreviated to simply cis) describe related types of gender identity where individuals' experiences of their own gender match the sex they were assigned at birth. The term cisgender is the opposite of the word transgender.
— Wikipedia


Genderfluid individuals have different gender identities at different times. A genderfluid individual's gender identity could be multiple genders at once and then switch to none at all, or move between single gender identities, or some other combination therein.
— Nonbinary Wiki


An umbrella term that refers both to non-normative gender identity and gender expression. The label may also be used by individuals wishing to identify as holding queer or non-normative gender without being any more specific about the nature of their gender.As an umbrella term, Genderqueer has a similar scope to nonbinary, with most nonbinary-identifying individuals also considering themselves genderqueer. However, the terms have different historical scopes and connotations. The word genderqueer was used at least ten years before nonbinary.

— Nonbinary Wiki

Gender Nonconforming

Behavior or gender expression by an individual that does not match masculine and feminine gender norms.
— Wikipedia


In south Asian countries including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, the assigned male at birth and who have a feminine gender expression. This is a very ancient tradition of a nonbinary gender role (often called 'third gender').
— Nonbinary Wiki


“Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
— Intersex Society of North America


An adult male human being.
— Merriam-Webster


Nonbinary gender is an umbrella term covering any gender identity or expression that does not fit within the gender binary. The label may also be used by individuals wishing to identify as falling outside of the gender binary without being any more specific about the nature of their gender.
— Nonbinary.org


Pangender (and/or Omnigender) is a non-binary gender experience which refers to a wide multiplicity of genders that can (or not) tend to the infinite (meaning that this experience can go beyond the current knowledge of genders). This experience can be either simultaneously or over time. The greek prefix “pan” refers to “everything” or “all”, therefore, pangender could mean “all genders”, however the genders of pangender people are limited to their own life experience.
— Nonbinary.org


Transfeminine individuals were assigned male at birth but align more closely with the female side of the gender spectrum. A transfeminine individual may identify with many aspects of femininity but not describe themselves as 'a woman'
— Wikipedia


A person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.
— Merriam-Webster

Trans Man

A trans man (sometimes trans-man or transman) is a female-to-male (FTM or F2M) transgender person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB/DFAB) but has a male gender identity. The label of transgender man is not always interchangeable with that of transsexual man, although the two labels are often used in this way.
— Wikipedia


Transmasculine is a term used to describe those who were assigned female at birth, but identify as more male than female. Transmasculine is often used as a catch-all term for all people assigned female at birth who identify as masculine of center, including trans men, but the adoption of the term as an identity is a matter of personal preference.
— Gender Wiki


A term referring to a person who does not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth and wishes, whether successful or not, to realign their gender and their sex through use of medical intervention.
— Transgender vs. Transsexual

Trans Woman

A trans woman (sometimes trans-woman or transwoman) is a transgender person who was assigned male at birth but has a female gender identity. The label of transgender woman is not always interchangeable with that of transsexual woman, although the two labels are often used in this way.
— Wikipedia

Two Spirit

Two Spirit is a culturally distinct gender that decribes Indigenous North Americans who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles found traditionally among many Native Americans and Canadian First Nations indigenous groups. The mixed gender roles encompassed by the term historically included wearing the clothing and performing the work associated with both men and women.
— Gender Wiki


An adult female human being.
— Merriam-Webster

Orientations (20)

Asexual - And other points on the Ace Spectrum

A person who does not experience sexual attraction. Unlike celibacy, which is a choice, asexuality is a sexual orientation. Since asexuality is considered to be a spectrum we also have the following other orientations under the ace umbrella: Grayasexual (those who sometimes but not always experience sexual attraction), Demisexual (those who experience sexual attraction only after an emotional bond is formed), Reciprosexual (those who only experience sexual attraction when they know the other person is sexually attracted to them), Akiosexual (those whose sexual attraction to another fades if that attraction is reciprocated), and Aceflux (those whose sexual attraction varies over time). Please note that asexual people have the same emotional needs as everybody else and are just as capable of forming intimate relationships. Because of this, those identifying as ace will often separate their romantic and sexual orientations for clarity and say that they are heteroromantic asexuals, homoromantic asexuals, etc. Grayromantic, Demiromantic, Recipromantic, Akioromantic, and Aroflux are also among the romantic attractions experienced by asexual people.
— Asexuality.org


Sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women.
— Oxford Dictionaries


Homosexual; Sexually attracted to someone who is the same sex.
— Merriam-Webster


Predominantly homosexual but open to an occasional heterosexual encounter
— Merriam-Webster: New Words & Slang


Predominantly heterosexual but sometimes open to an occasional homosexual encounter.
— Merriam-Webster: New Words & Slang


A woman who is sexually attracted to other women. A woman who is a homosexual.
— Merriam-Webster


Not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
— Oxford Dictionaries


An umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual and/or cisgender.
— Wikipedia


The questioning of one's gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, or all three is a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring, and concerned about applying a social label to themselves for various reasons. The letter “Q” is sometimes added to the end of the acronym LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender); the “Q” can refer to either queer or questioning. Many LGBT student groups and literature include questioning in their literature; in the case of gay–straight alliance groups they do so in part so students are not compelled to label themselves or choose a sexual identity.
— Wikipedia


Heterosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between persons of opposite sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, heterosexuality is “an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions” to persons of the opposite sex; it “also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions.”
— Wikipedia

Removed Orientations (1)


After considerable negative feedback, we took the decision to remove 'Sapiosexual' as a gender orientation in 2019. For a good argument as to why we did this, see this article from Vice.

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Okcupid Lesbian Dating

Okcupid = The best kept lesbian secret

December 8, 2011

What was once viewed as taboo simply isn’t so anymore as we see more and more people flocking to online dating. Especially lesbians or any LGBT. However, if you could get one to admit to it, …well that’s another story. Actually I feel like I’m breaking a code just by writing about it. As you enter deeper into the lesbian world, you notice a few things and online dating is definitely one them. Of course this doesn’t prove true for everyone but pretty often. But hey, have some respect here. Finding other lesbians isn’t always easy, especially if not every lesbian or bisexual woman is easy to point out.

Whatever it is you’re attracted to, the internet provides you with a large pool of a variety of people. Whether you’re interested in girls who love Glee or a Kate Moenning look a like or a Miss America model or someone with a passion for helping the disadvantaged.

Common phrases used by a couples who have dated online. “ We met at a random public event or place” or “ we share a common friend who none of us speak to anymore”. Or the confused tacit agreeing nod before answering the dreaded question.

The reason for this post isn’t to out online users but to simply say there’s nothing wrong with it. The point of dating is fun so have fun! If you’re thinking about it and unsure, try it. Really…what have you got to lose?

The following is taken from Autostraddle [ A popular lesbian blog]

Autostraddlers on OKCupid Exhibiting Specialness
with cartoons by Intern Hot Laura!

Your self-summary:

1. “I’m awesome.”

You’re really good at:

1. “Picking breakfast places.”

2. “Doing shots.”

3. “Standing in third position.”

4. “Being the big spoon.”

5. “Growing lettuce.”

6. “Calling you back a day too late.”

7. “Accidentally pooping out of nowhere and startling people. [I meant to write popping out of nowhere, but this typo is so funny I’m leaving it].”

8. “Quoting Margaret Cho.”

The first things people usually notice about you:

1. “Dat azz, man.”

2. “The inability to cover my cleavage.”

3. “My snake bites.”

Your favorite food:

1. “Anything + Everything – Chicken Feet = Food.”

The six things you could never do without:

1. “My fingers.”

2. “Weed.”

you have red boots

3. “At least one enemy- because nothing motivates like opposition.”

4. “Red cowgirl boots.”

5. “Something to write with, a good (light, sharp) chef’s knife, a lip/cheek stain in a nice dark pink, love, GPS. It would be more romantic to say “maps”, but fuck that.”

6. “Cashew nuts.” [Ed. note — hell yes]

7. “You’d be surprised how often clothing is optional.”

You spend a lot of time thinking about:

1. “What I am going to eat next.”

2. “What I can put on this profile to make people like me.”

3. “Re-making Thelma & Louise so that they make out at the end.”

4. “Whether my keys are locked in the car, I left my phone frying in my front seat, or I’ve lost anything yet today.”

On a typical Friday night you are:

1. “Finding a place to put all these dead bodies.”

2. “If you present remotely masculine of center I’m spending Friday night looking at your butt.”

Okcupid Lesbian Quiz

The most private thing you’re willing to admit:

1. “I hate Bette.”

2. “For the first 7 or so years of my life, I would have preferred being a dog to being a human. Like I would drink water from a bowl on the floor and bark at people.”


3. “The red hair is fake.”

4. “Sometimes when I kiss my dog he licks me on the mouth and I don’t even mind.”

5. “I broke my leg while streaking. No, I didn’t get to ride in an ambulance naked.”

6. “I only run with things figuratively; you can make me laugh but I will probably still not jog with you.”

We should message you if:

1. “You are interested in glow in the dark mini golf.”

2. “You don’t have unresolved mental illness.”

3. “You are left handed.”

4. “You want someone to dance poorly next to you somewhere in the Castro.”

5. “You are illiterate, but were able to find the ‘Wild Party’ reference in my ‘about me’ section.”

6. “Will marry you if you get it when I use the pickup line “Hello Sue, I’ve got legs! Do you like bread?”

7. “You make a good grilled cheese.”

Have you guys every tried online dating? Do you know couple that have? What did you get out of it? Would you consider it? Were they good experiences? Bad experiences?

Funniest thing I’ve seen okc:

STD in their usernames… : Gonorrhea_rita [ not the real username. Just an example]

Til soon!

Entry Filed under: Dating,lesbian,sexuality. Tags: Lesbian, LGBT, Online dating.